Better Vision in the Blink of an Eye

We offer LASIK surgery to any qualified candidate who desires to get out of glasses or contacts. We are committed to offering the highest quality care at the lowest price. We will walk you through our thorough screening process to make sure this is a safe procedure for your eyes. We look forward to discussing this more and hope you will consider the possibilities of LASIK surgery.  


What is LASIK?

An outpatient surgical procedure that reshapes the cornea to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts. LASIK is by far the most popular procedure done at Gold Eye Clinic.

What is Wavefront Technology?

The newest technology that is a proven technique to measure the irregularities of the cornea (the clear window covering the eye) and produce a 3D image of the eye. This image is downloaded to the laser to design a one-of-a-kind pattern of treatment for your eyes.

Am I a good candidate?

The range of treatment has been expanded by using the Wavefront Technology. We can see you for a LASIK screening and consultation to let you know.

Will I feel anything?

Generally only pressure is felt during the procedure. You will not be put to sleep but will be given a mild oral sedative to relax you.

Will my insurance cover the procedure?

Most insurance companies consider LASIK an elective procedure and will not cover the procedure but there is 0% financing available.

How much does it cost?

The price for LASIK is $2000 per eye. We do offer 10% off for cash payment. 

What does the price include?

All pre- and post-op visits, and the surgeon will see you at all the visits for one year after the procedure.

What financing options are available?

We have options available for up to 5 years and accept Care Credit. 

Can I have LASIK if I'm pregnant?

No, a woman’s hormones can change her prescription. Therefore, we want pregnant women to wait 3 months after giving birth or completing nursing.

When can I go back to work after having LASIK surgery?

In most cases the next day.

How long does the procedure last?

From the time you go into the procedure room, it lasts about 25 minutes.

How many LASIK procedures has Gold Eye Clinic performed and what are the outcomes?

Our surgeons have done hundreds of Wavefront LASIK procedures, including his family and staff. 95% of his patients see 20/25 or better without correction. Because he sees all of the pre-op and post-op patients he keeps his volume at a reasonable level.

Can I come by myself?

For the LASIK screening and work-up, you may come by yourself, but on the day of the procedure, you will need to bring someone to drive you home.

Do I need to be out of my contact lenses before I come in?

You will need to be out of your soft contact lenses two weeks prior to the full LASIK consultation, and if you wear RGP contacts, you need to be out of those three weeks prior to the consultation.

Can I have a LASIK consultation before agreeing to have the procedure?

Yes. We offer a LASIK informational screening today or whenever you are available to come in, so we can check your prescription. You can also watch a video about LASIK, go over financing options, and we will answer any additional questions you may have.